Sunday, March 23, 2014

Words to Live By

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4

Lives spent in pursuits of goals that involve only self-centered blessings are lives spent living far below the capacity for joy. This is a realization most will come to far too late in life to make any measurable change in direction and unfortunately many also lack the faith and conviction to make what might seem like an impossible, but necessary, shift in the directions their lives are taking them.

I know many who have made it their goal to go to college, graduate with a degree and pursue a career in their field of study without ever taking a step back to consider:

  1. If their job will have an impact on the lives of others "DAILY" 
  2. If their income will benefit the lives of others or be drawn from efforts at improving the lives of others "DAILY"
  3. If their weeks will be measured at all by how many peoples lives were touched by my efforts this week

This is not to say that all who would fit into that camp are in any way bad people - it is simply meant to acknowledge the "status quo" that has engulfed the lives of so many of us that we find ourselves incapable of conceiving there is another way to live with an others oriented approach to making a living and making an amazing life.

Case Study - Myself:
I have spent the better part of my life as an engineering technician - many days spent working on projects that will impact the lives of others in some way, someday. Be they developments that will provide jobs for people and income for developers, electrical projects that will power the homes of millions some day or even the roads and buildings and subdivisions people will drive on, work in or live in these are all respectable to some degree as ways to make a living. 

But what happens when that simply does not drive you and you realize that there has to be more to life than making a decent living for you and yours? 

Questions like these might begin to pop into your head:
  • Is this world going to be a better place because you were here?
  • How many lives have been transformed because they were touched by your life?
  • How long did the impacts last that were started because of things you did, people you took the time to talk to or share moments with in your life?
It is difficult to look at the verses above and find anything but inspiration to live in a manner different from the one in which most of us live daily. But fortunately for us there are ways to make small changes to take charge of our lives and change them for the better. To live others oriented lives that limit the time consumed with meeting our own needs. But rather than that becoming intentionally lost in the wonders of touching the lives of others in ways that matter quickly and over the long haul for time and Lord willing, for eternity.

Are you one of those who would like to be a Transformation Consultant spending part of your life in the service of others assisting them in transforming their health, finances, family life and above all importance their eternal resting place? If that description fits you and you believe that the verses above are words to truly live by then you need to contact me and share some time getting the details on how we can make that dream of yours a reality and spend our lives in the service of Transforming Lives.

Purium has a motto which is Making Healthy Cool! Well they have a 10 Day Program to show you just how dramatic your outlook on life can shift. I would like you to think of the Cool in a more C.O.O.L. like manner which stands for the following:

Our WECKC Leadership Training is rooted in developing Biblically Based Leadership in the form of 26 Leadership Lessons from the life of the Apostle Paul. Growing men and women in the faith as we grow our businesses in the service of helping others navigate their way through this world that we live in. 

If you'd like to find out more - contact me to get more info. You can find my info at 

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