Sunday, June 8, 2014

C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M.

You are invited to visit the C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M. blog and get ready to go on a journey of unlimited potential as we embark on out Pre-Launch to the Re-Launch of our Purium Business.

GOAL: I am looking to find the first 5 of 20 people who are ready over the next 24 months to experience the best health of their life while adding a five figure monthly residual income to their budget partnering with the C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M. AND PURIUM HEALTH PRODUCTS home of the 10 DAY CELEBRITY TRANSFORMATION.

C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M.

You are invited to visit the C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M. blog and get ready to go on a journey of unlimited potential as we embark on out Pre-Launch to the Re-Launch of our Purium Business.

GOAL: I am looking to find the first 5 of 20 people who are ready over the next 24 months to experience the best health of their life while adding a five figure monthly residual income to their budget partnering with the C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M. AND PURIUM HEALTH PRODUCTS home of the 10 DAY CELEBRITY TRANSFORMATION.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Why a Network Marketing Business? Why PURIUM?

Imagine if you will that you live in a house and it is paid for and you have no mortgage.
Imagine if you will also that you are driving around in a new car and it too is paid for and you have no car payment.
Now if youre in that kind of a situation and youre making an income of $10,000 per month, every month, whether you get out of bed or not, you could live the lifestyle better than most millionaires.
But now think of all of your friends who are not in your company, who are not in network marketing, how could they ever hope to have $10,000 a month coming to them every month whether they got out of bed or not?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014



In "Toxic" Genita Petralli-Mason discusses the death and disease that Psychiatric Drugs cause. It was recorded during an interview Ms. Petralli did on the Vinney Eastwood Show on psychiatric pharmaphilic policy and the detrimental effects on the patient and society as a whole. 

A short introduction into one wildly successful healer who has tackled two of the primary issues we face today - toxicity and nutrition. I invite you to take a few minutes to listen as she unloads some harsh reality truth in this classic interview.

Then visit the Biosantuary YouTube Channel to learn more from this visionary healer. If a few ideas rub you wrong, don't let it hinder your learning much from her in regards to health.

Learn more about the Biosanctuary here

Our Bodies, Our Minds, Our Toxic World. The Unfortunate Truth

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Words to Live By

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4

Lives spent in pursuits of goals that involve only self-centered blessings are lives spent living far below the capacity for joy. This is a realization most will come to far too late in life to make any measurable change in direction and unfortunately many also lack the faith and conviction to make what might seem like an impossible, but necessary, shift in the directions their lives are taking them.

I know many who have made it their goal to go to college, graduate with a degree and pursue a career in their field of study without ever taking a step back to consider:

  1. If their job will have an impact on the lives of others "DAILY" 
  2. If their income will benefit the lives of others or be drawn from efforts at improving the lives of others "DAILY"
  3. If their weeks will be measured at all by how many peoples lives were touched by my efforts this week


Would you give me 10 Days to show you what is possible with PURE NUTRITION?

Just give me 10 Days to show you what is possible with PURE NUTRITION – that’s it 10 Days.

10 Days to show you how your body can look, feel and perform with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!

Within just 10 days of giving your body a vacation from everything that is:
·         over-processed
·         irradiated
·         genetically modified
·         everything that’s polluted for that 10 days

Saturday, March 22, 2014


David Sandoval’s and Amy Venner’s commitment to non-GMO food began 20 years ago and it has never wavered. In an effort to take that commitment and transparency to another level, a year ago we began submitting every Purium product, along with the hundreds of individual ingredients, to the NON-GMO Project for third party verification.
We are proud to announce that the Organic Tropic Oil is the first Purium product that has received this prestigious non-GMO verification. Importantly, we believe that Purium is the FIRST and ONLY network marketing company that is able to use this seal!