Sunday, June 8, 2014

C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M.

You are invited to visit the C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M. blog and get ready to go on a journey of unlimited potential as we embark on out Pre-Launch to the Re-Launch of our Purium Business.

GOAL: I am looking to find the first 5 of 20 people who are ready over the next 24 months to experience the best health of their life while adding a five figure monthly residual income to their budget partnering with the C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M. AND PURIUM HEALTH PRODUCTS home of the 10 DAY CELEBRITY TRANSFORMATION.

C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M.

You are invited to visit the C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M. blog and get ready to go on a journey of unlimited potential as we embark on out Pre-Launch to the Re-Launch of our Purium Business.

GOAL: I am looking to find the first 5 of 20 people who are ready over the next 24 months to experience the best health of their life while adding a five figure monthly residual income to their budget partnering with the C.O.O.L. T.E.A.M. AND PURIUM HEALTH PRODUCTS home of the 10 DAY CELEBRITY TRANSFORMATION.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Why a Network Marketing Business? Why PURIUM?

Imagine if you will that you live in a house and it is paid for and you have no mortgage.
Imagine if you will also that you are driving around in a new car and it too is paid for and you have no car payment.
Now if youre in that kind of a situation and youre making an income of $10,000 per month, every month, whether you get out of bed or not, you could live the lifestyle better than most millionaires.
But now think of all of your friends who are not in your company, who are not in network marketing, how could they ever hope to have $10,000 a month coming to them every month whether they got out of bed or not?

Tuesday, March 25, 2014



In "Toxic" Genita Petralli-Mason discusses the death and disease that Psychiatric Drugs cause. It was recorded during an interview Ms. Petralli did on the Vinney Eastwood Show on psychiatric pharmaphilic policy and the detrimental effects on the patient and society as a whole. 

A short introduction into one wildly successful healer who has tackled two of the primary issues we face today - toxicity and nutrition. I invite you to take a few minutes to listen as she unloads some harsh reality truth in this classic interview.

Then visit the Biosantuary YouTube Channel to learn more from this visionary healer. If a few ideas rub you wrong, don't let it hinder your learning much from her in regards to health.

Learn more about the Biosanctuary here

Our Bodies, Our Minds, Our Toxic World. The Unfortunate Truth

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Words to Live By

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4

Lives spent in pursuits of goals that involve only self-centered blessings are lives spent living far below the capacity for joy. This is a realization most will come to far too late in life to make any measurable change in direction and unfortunately many also lack the faith and conviction to make what might seem like an impossible, but necessary, shift in the directions their lives are taking them.

I know many who have made it their goal to go to college, graduate with a degree and pursue a career in their field of study without ever taking a step back to consider:

  1. If their job will have an impact on the lives of others "DAILY" 
  2. If their income will benefit the lives of others or be drawn from efforts at improving the lives of others "DAILY"
  3. If their weeks will be measured at all by how many peoples lives were touched by my efforts this week


Would you give me 10 Days to show you what is possible with PURE NUTRITION?

Just give me 10 Days to show you what is possible with PURE NUTRITION – that’s it 10 Days.

10 Days to show you how your body can look, feel and perform with a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!!!

Within just 10 days of giving your body a vacation from everything that is:
·         over-processed
·         irradiated
·         genetically modified
·         everything that’s polluted for that 10 days

Saturday, March 22, 2014


David Sandoval’s and Amy Venner’s commitment to non-GMO food began 20 years ago and it has never wavered. In an effort to take that commitment and transparency to another level, a year ago we began submitting every Purium product, along with the hundreds of individual ingredients, to the NON-GMO Project for third party verification.
We are proud to announce that the Organic Tropic Oil is the first Purium product that has received this prestigious non-GMO verification. Importantly, we believe that Purium is the FIRST and ONLY network marketing company that is able to use this seal!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

From the Transformation Developer David Sandoval - Author of The Green Foods Bible

Health Here and Now
Source: Boca Mag from Feb 14th 2013
Purium Health products founder and author of the Green Foods Bible, David Sandoval was in town last month to talk with doctors about his 10-Day Transformation Challenge. The challenge, he says, breaks food addiction, results in weight loss and skin tightening, without starving the body’s needs for nutrients.
We spoke with Sandoval, who is based in Los Angeles, and is known for his work with some well-known names in television. Here’s what he had to say:

Boca Mag: What is the 10-Day Transformation Challenge?

Sandoval: For years and years, I’ve been working on perfecting the super low-calorie, super high-nutrient diet, using all organic foods, super foods...There are no isolated chemicals, things like that.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Valuable Links That Just Might Save Your Life

Here are some valuable links that some day, in some way, just might give you the information you need to save your life or that of someone close to you.

Health News:
Dr. Joseph Mercola:
Natural News:
Green Med Info:
Natural Society:

Cancer Sites:
Cancer Tutor:
Gerson Therapy:
Stanislav Burzynski:
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez:

Health/Wellness Centers:
McDonagh Medical Center Alternative Medicine Care in Gladstone, MO:
Hippocrates Institute:
The BioSanctuary Environmental Toxicity Detoxification Health Spa and Clinic:
Riordan Clinic in Wichita, KS:
Dr. Rashid Buttar's Center for Advanced Medicine & Clinical Research:
Truth about Dr. Rashid Buttar:

Purium Health Products:

Various resources available through the other links on this page. Many more links to be added as needed.


Just look at us.
Everything is backwards.
Everything is upside down.
Doctors destroy health.
Lawyers destroy justice.
Universities destroy knowledge.
Governments destroy freedom.
The major media destroy information
And religions destroy spirituality.”
Michael Ellner, Quantum Focusing.

Keys To Restoring Health

We live in a time of incredible contradictions. For example it is not uncommon for us to hear people, identified as experts, who are commonly heard  repeating a phrase like "Well we just don't know why it does... or how this works..." or "We can't know...." We are often told that experiences, like vitamins relieving an ailment or supplements doing this or that, are not backed by science or not scientifically valid until they are proven in a double-blind placebo controlled study, without which they are simply "anecdotal" or worthless. We live in an "information age" where information is available at the click of a mouse and much of this type of talk is easily proven to be absolutely false, thus making the one who speaks such stuff a liar. I doubt they would like to be called by that name, but it is nonetheless fitting to identify them as such when they speak in such a way, especially if they are billing the person they are speaking it to for seeing them for a short period of time.

Well if you know me and have ever heard me talk on health matters as it relates to Allopathic medicine, aka Mainstream Medicine, you know that my confidence in that industry is not high as it regards their success with chronic disease treatments for conditions like cancer, heart disease, arthritis, add, adhd, autism, allergies, etc... 

This should not be confused with a complete lack of respect for the incredible advances made in acute care or Emergency Medicine. I would not expect a Naturopath to be the go to Dr. for a victim of a severed arm or critical laceration to the abdomen so it should be known I recognize there are some areas of medicine that excel. 

But when it comes to disease management we live in a time of extraordinary harm being done to the health of millions because of an ongoing battle against knowledge and the simple spreading of the wisdom of those who have gone before us and many who live among us. People like: 

Saturday, March 8, 2014


Ever Thought About Nutritional Counseling? Might be a great benefit to counsel with a licensed counselor in the field of nutrition. We'll take a look at what you get for your money with a local Nutritional Counselor for Precision Pilates. 
NOTE: I do not know Jennifer but was able to glean the following from her website, linked below. And this is neither an endorsement or even criticism of her services as she may be extremely helpful in doing what she does.

What about following the proven advice and counsel of a visionary founder and formulator for a 20 year old company that in many ways was doing 2 decades ago what has become one of the most compelling trends in the health and wellness industry today and that is the focus back on Green Foods and Healing Superfoods in the midst of a looming disaster many call Obamacare and the ongoing disaster that is the Medical Industry that profits from disease and according to this study is the leading cause of death in America. Along with this expertise what if you could establish an insider relationship with this manufacturer of healing superfoods and turning your experience on the products into an extremely profitable relationship by simply paying it forward or telling others and giving them $50 to sample the same products that so dramatically impacted your health.

Let's take a look at the two and do some comparisons if you will.


In my first 10 Days on the Purium Health Products foods I was able to lose 13.6 lbs. and 8 inches which would be a phenomenal result were that all that I got out of it. But when you hear people say about the David Sandoval 10 Day Celebrity Transformation that the weight loss is just a side effect what they are talking about is the additional benefits like the following:
  • Caffeine addiction to Excedrin Migraine due to rebound headaches - GONE!!!
  • Midlife gut - GONE!!!
  • Afternoon drag and doze time - GONE!!!
  • Sleep struggles - GONE!!!
The Transformation led to a new Lifestyle that includes daily intake of L.O.V.E. Super Meal, Power Shake, More Greens, Scoop of Greens, and now Organic Kamut Blend 3 times a day. This current/past winter has been the first in about 6 years that I have not had at least one extended sick period. In other words, the healthiest winter in recent memory and it included no Flu Shot, no medical intervention and because of that no chronic care bills and who doesn't enjoy a winter without medical bills for winter ailments?

Wouldn't you like to feel 10 years younger in  10 Days?

Take a look at the results that could be yours too: Transformation Testimonials 

Average weight loss company wide is 11.3 lbs in 10 days - what will your loss be and what will be the additional benefits you'll experience in your first 10 Days on superfoods from Purium Health Products?

Blessings and Abundant Health To You!!!
William Burke
Purium Consultant and Founder of WECKC

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Welcome to Wellness Entrepreneurs and Consultants of Kansas City! Also known as Team WECKC.

Wellness in that we are experienced in or students of the fields that lead to one feeling better, looking better longer and living healthier.

Entrepreneurs because we are people who seek to make a living doing what we love and are partnered with a company that allows us to do what we love and work from home with our spouse or significant other on our own schedules.

Consultants because we are consulting with people to help them achieve their dreams and goals for physical and financial wellness.

Kansas City because, well you know, we live in or around Kansas City.

You can simply think of it like the WE C KC because we see KC in Better Health, Better Fitness, Better Shape and doing it in a partnership with a company that enables you to get in Better Financial Shape by PAYING IT FORWARD!

We are currently putting together a team of Wellness Entrepreneurs and Consultants in Kansas City and throughout the nation who are ready to change lives by helping others change their lives. We have partnered with a 20 year old manufacturer and formulator of some of the most remarkable pure and premium superfoods on the planet and they have made it powerfully simple to earn a living by paying it forward and telling others what you did to transform your life and your health.

Some say you can't do what you love and love what you do and make a sufficient income. We disagree!

Some say you can't live a healthy life once you have been diagnosed with any number of chronic ailments and again we must say - we disagree!

Some say it is difficult to lose weight and regain your health, energy and getting your blood pressure and cholesterol levels back in order and experience tells us that is simply not the truth.

In fact we believe that in only 10 days we can convince you that we are entirely right and set you on an empowered course to take charge of your life with an entirely new Lifestyle and the tools to make sure that you are able to live life to its fullest.

We have partnered with Purium Health Products the home of David Sandoval's 10 Day Celebrity Transformation and over 50 Pure and Premium products we like to call your very own Superfoods Superstore. A Superstore where you can give wholesale discounts and FREE products to your family and friends to assist them in getting on their way to the best health they've experienced in years. Sound too good to be true? It isn't, but some skepticism is to be expected in the world we live in where talk is cheap and people will do almost anything for a dollar.

This program is the HEALTHIEST, FASTEST, SIMPLEST and LEAST EXPENSIVE (per lb of weight lost) in the world and we are so confident in that reality that we will give you $50 to learn more about it and try it or even just to sample some of the products.

HEALTHIEST - 100% SUPERFOODS and pure Organic Foods for 10 Days.

FASTEST - Not 90, not 60, not 30, but 10 Days with results you have to see to believe.

SIMPLEST - 3 to 5 Products and all your foods for 10 Days with detailed guidance and support to eliminate uncertainty.

LEAST EXPENSIVE - $3 to $15 per pound vs. competitors like Weight Watchers at $97 or Jenny Craig at $131 to $237 per pound. 

Learn more about the 10 Day Transformation here.

Learn more about Purium Health Products here.

Learn more about me here.

To learn more about this phenomenal company text Purium to 55678 on your Smartphone and you will receive the video tour directly on you phone. No additional contact, simply 3 texts with 6 short videos to walk you through some basic info on the Transformation, Referral Marketing System and Million Mom Movement. If you life what you see simply contact me for your very own $50 Gift Card.

Another way to get going would be to go to take a look at the videos and enter wmburke in the code and get started today with your own Purium business and get your Transformation Gold Pack for only $299 with 40 Gift Cards or you can get a full 30 Day supply including a Transformation Cleanse and 20 Day Continuation Pack or a Transformation Cleanse for 2 in a Platinum Pack for less than $550 and receive 60 Gift Cards. That is $2000 or $3000 in free Purium Products to give away and start your family and friends down the same road to superior health and wellness.

And I'll get in touch with you or you contact me and we will get you up to speed on the many reasons you'll be glad you heard about Purium today. Here are 21 Reasons to Join Purium for starters.

Keep us in your list of blogs to keep track of and we'll keep you informed of information that will assist you in making the most of the days God has granted you in this life.

Blessings and Abundant Health to You!
William Burke
Purium Consultant and Founder of WECKC